For Call to Earth we have a screening of the “Star Galaxy for the World” animation by Julian Ramirez of Quantic- Creations of Della Burford’s story of the same name “Star Galaxy for the World”. It is the story about the Earth is being polluted and the ocean polluted and Star Child sees auras fading. Starchild is guided to find the magic words to help the earth and oceans. The premise is “with more gratitude, kindness, peace and creative action balance can and will be restored to the planet again. This story and the animated film screening will be done as a CALL TO EARTH project.
“Call to Earth is CNN’s commitment to reporting on the environmental challenges facing our planet, together with the solutions. In partnership with Rolex as part of their Perpetual Planet initiative, our goal is to drive awareness, action and education around key issues, inspiring a blueprint for a more environmentally conscious life.”
#CalltoEarth #PerpetualPlanet

The process of how the animation was created is fascinating. It started out as the book -“Star Galaxy for the World” Then Della & Julian were part of the Design Science Studio program of the Buckminster Fuller Institute and they started to work on developing the idea of having gratitude, kindness and peace on our planet into various creative projects. Buckminster Fuller’s philosophy was shared in the book and into the energy of the all projects as well.Struppi who wrote the music was also part of this program. We also must acknowledge Dale for this art addition and Freeman the for the tech voice.
Della and Dale will hold a screening of the animation at Departure Bay School in Nanaimo, Canada for the “Call to Earth” project in October 2022. After the screening of Star Galaxy for the world will do a Q/A time which will include questions on the animation from the audience and to them on how we can protect the ocean. We live right by the ocean so this is very relevant to all of us. The theme of this years Call to Earth is “Living Oceans: Turning the Tide”. Dale Bertrand and Della Burford will also facilitate a art project called “Ocean Painting”.
Call to Earth – Gratitude, Peace, Kindness for our Living Earth
“Star Galaxy for the World”