The project ‘Earth Action ’by Della Burford is to take the “Magical Earth Secret” book which is a best- seller in Canada and and been a performance in New York, Canada, and Japan and come up with an Activity Guide for children to encourage ecological action in the world. The book is called “Earth Action”. It will be able to also be used independently or with the picture book.

The idea in Earth Action is to “Take your love of Nature into Action”. Also to know “You can make a difference”.

In “Magical Earth Secrets” the Eagle Child loses its colors because of pollution With the l help of the little people of the four directions in the we are reminded to take care of the Earth, Water, Air, and renew our connection to the Sun and Star. We must love and protect the earth.

In the”Earth Action” we see Nature Wheels that show us the Cycles of Nature and remind us that these are all connected. Virgil Scott has done a video of the song of the different wheels turning. You can see and hear it on Della’s dellabirdhelmet or dellaburford Channel at

John Van de Meter has also done a video of the Guide which we hope to update in the future with the climate stabilization activities.
In the “Earth Action” we see Art, Music, Drama, Dance, and Making Book Activities.
To honor the work of Buckminster Fuller the book ‘Earth Action’ is dedicated to him and his work.
Six Inventions have been highlighted and seven Bucky Activity Cards created.
The Earth Action was expanded in a recent program with the Space Camp of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. The edits will be available in the guide in July 2023. Let’s love and protect the earth!